Monthly Archives: March 2020

028 – Deleting the Disempowerment of Expectations

In this episode we talked about expectations and how destructive they can be.  Expectations are strong beliefs that something will happen in the future.  That someone or something will or should achieve or do something. We all have expectations.  But what if your expectations aren’t met?  What hidden belief systems do you have about yourself … Continue reading 028 – Deleting the Disempowerment of Expectations

022 – Clearing the Fear and Anxiety Associated with Coronavirus

On today’s episode we cleared the unreality and the synthetic realities associated with the events and the government control surround the Coronavirus event.  We cleared the crisis energy of the financial markets and their effects on us. We worked on getting back into our bodies, re-grounding, and downloading healing energies.  We strengthened the cellular structures … Continue reading 022 – Clearing the Fear and Anxiety Associated with Coronavirus