036 – Lest We Forget – Clearing War and Conflict

Healing The Scars of War and Conflict


In this episode of Epic Healing Transformations, I honor all the Veterans who have served and/or died in service to their countries.  I also honor the families of the service member and sacrifices they make in supporting their armed forces member.

We used the Quantum Soul Clearing Process to clear the energies of war, conflict, divisiveness, toxic nationalism and separation.  I walked people through a forgiveness process to let go of shame, guilt, survivors guilt, and other negative frequencies.

I pulled Card #28 from The Wisdom Keepers Inner Guidebook intuitive deck by Dr. Rosy Aronson, PhD. This card relates to gate 28 in Human Design and the Gene Keys.  The shadow frequency of this gate is “purposelessness;” the gift is “totality;” and the siddhi (divine essence) is “immortality.”

When we release the shadow, it allows us to step into the gift, the totality of who we are.  And as we embrace the totality of who we are, we can then leave the legacy, that immortal gift, of our live purpose.  What is YOUR immortal legacy that you choose to leave?

I invite listeners to book a session with me to review your Human Design.  Here’s a link to my calendar:
