013 Amanda Brooks: Peace Making Generational Transformation

Amanda talks about her car accidents and how doctors said she was going to be completely disabled and in pain the rest of her life.  Her first visit to a chiropractor changed her life and led her to her life’s work as a chiropractor and energy healing facilitator, doing generational clearing work.

She talks about her gift of sight, seeing her friend’s brother’s death.  Throughout the years, she had the ability to make people’s aches and pains go away.

The power of generational clearing. Amanda talks about how trauma gets passed down through the generations and is subconsciously impacting us.  Our genetic blueprint is where the patterns are held that have never been processed properly.

The energy of survival of the fittest.  Amanda talks about how to transform the ancestral threads that impact health, wealth, relationships, and well-being with her “Peace Making” process.

You can connect with Amanda Brooks at www.peacewithin.online.  Get her free call once a month.